2025 Word of the Year
Jan 02, 2025
“It didn't matter how many times I got knocked on the floor
You knew one day I would be standing tall
Just look at us now
‘Cause everything starts from something
But something would be nothing
Nothing, if your heart didn't dream with me
Where would I be if you didn’t believe?”
So many times I’ve driven, alone, in the car, belting out these Justin Bieber lyrics. Not ashamed to admit I’m a fan, even in my late 40s. I often use it as reflection and inspiration - how far I’ve come and where I’m headed. I stepped into business ownership early in my career. I had an opportunity I could not pass up. Was I ready for entrepreneurship? Absolutely not. Did I learn as I went along? 100%.
I am a doer and an achiever. I don’t let myself down. I set a lot of goals and reach them. In the early days of business it was easy. We had a unique business model. I aligned myself with great people who were equally motivated to succeed. I built a business twice, thanks to being a fantastic clinician with loyal patients. However, my success always hit a certain point and then stopped. There was a barrier I couldn’t break through. I would set the BIG goal and fall short each time. Pandemics, loss of employees, kids getting in the way of my time, bad hires… the list continued on. I had enough to take home a decent salary but the needle never moved forward. How could I be doing all the things and not see more growth?
If I'm being completely honest, I was holding myself back from being great. I don’t shoot for the stars. I stick with things that are 100% in my control. My risk tolerance only goes so far (Don’t believe me? Ask my husband about riding scooters through Santorini on our honeymoon). It’s easy to hide a lack of confidence behind a seemingly successful business and constantly working. Playing it safe and entrepreneurship / thought leadership don’t really mix. I’ve done varying degrees of good and better than good, but I’ve never really broken through any barriers. I’ve always just kept going, reaching for a goal I knew I wouldn’t meet because I wouldn’t let myself be vulnerable enough in my business to risk failure for the big win. My hopes and dreams stayed tucked in my head where they were safe from criticism and failure.
Until now. I read an email yesterday and it shifted my thoughts. I know I can do anything I put my mind to. I know I’m destined for greatness. And I know that what I want to say and share, people want to hear. If there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s that success to me is being able to share what I know with everyone and anyone who will listen. I have a lot to say, and to give, and it’s time to rip off the protective armor and put it all out there. It’s time I start to believe in myself.
Starting today I am holding myself accountable to believe. Every day. No matter how hard it gets, or how far away I am from meeting my goals. When I believe, I show up, I take action, I share proudly without fear of the consequences. The true me shines bright. So maybe all that loud, solo singing was to help me get to this moment, where I ask myself, “Where could I be… if I just believed. Believed in me?”
And with that, I discovered my word for 2025 - Believe.