Getting Back to What Matters
Oct 24, 2024
If I can be transparent, this year has been a struggle. I set big, but achievable goals for 2024. As the year started the needle was moving slowly. I researched marketing and operations strategies; I consulted with my current coach and we developed a new plan. I purchased a new CRM system, worked on operations and made big decisions. By July it was clear I had invested thousands of dollars in a strategy that wasn’t working.
The thing is, I recognize now why it didn’t work, I was just too in the thick of it at the time to realize it. Instead, I beat myself up about it. Got frustrated. Cried. A lot. Took it out on my family. Blamed myself. Looked for other ways to “push through.” Tried what seemed to be working for other people. All to no avail. We approached the end of Q3 and my financial statements looked much like they had for all of 2023.
What the F*!@#??????
I was panicking. I did not want to lose my staff. Then I wanted to burn the whole thing down and start over. Then I wanted to find a job where I could just sit and work on spreadsheets all day. I was working harder than ever and my business was stuck. Like a brick wall, an immovable object stuck. The more I pushed, the worse it got. And I was scared.
Then I read something and I was able to flip the switch in my head: “Stay true to yourself.”
It’s easy to stray from your purpose, especially when you are so driven to meet your goals. It’s natural in those times to keep pushing the closed door without stopping to notice the one wide open right beside it. Sometimes the hustle and grind isn’t the answer. In fact, after I read those words, I stopped dead in my tracks. I asked myself what was I doing? If I’ve learned anything over these past few years it’s that hustle culture does not serve me. I need to be open to receiving more and filling my day with the things that light me up and the people that make me excited to keep going. I need to trust what I know deep down is best for me and my business.
I spent that afternoon “resetting” my brain. I went outside to lie down on the grass and in the sun. I went to Pilates to move my body. I thought about why I have my business and my vision and purpose. I decided to do what feels right to me and not just blindly rely on what an “industry pro” has researched as the best option. I reminded myself that those people never took the time to get to know me or my business. They made blanket recommendations that didn’t fit what I am trying to build. It was time to take what I learned about operations and use that information but then lean on those who know the heart and soul of my business. And most importantly, to trust myself.
It’s been 4 days and already the energy has shifted. I can’t guarantee it will be all downhill from here, but I feel a sense of renewal. Refocus. Stay tuned for our 2024 recap to hear more of the story. Until then, I hope that you can continue to stay true to yourself and your purpose.
- Dr. Blair